
Student Academic Services

Supporting Students Who Learn Differently

In 1984, WCS launched The Discovery Program to provide specialized instruction for a small group of students whose parents desired a Christian education for their children with learning challenges.  For more than 30 years, the program – now called Student Academic Services or SAS – has supported students, enabling them to fully participate at WCS.

Our Goal

At WCS, we know that no two children learn, perceive, or behave in the same way. It is our job to understand how God has designed each child, what their strengths are, and in what areas they may need extra support. In SAS, our goal is to help students realize their abilities so they can move toward independence and experience success in and outside the classroom.

For more information about Student Academic Services, please contact Annaliese Wheeler, Director of Student Academic Services.

Understanding Diverse Learners

Many students are adequately engaged and challenged within the traditional classroom. However, some students benefit from accommodations or specialized instruction. These children have different learning styles and rates, strengths, and weaknesses.

One child may have trouble receiving information through listening or reading. Another may struggle to express ideas verbally or in writing. Some are easily distracted and find following directions or retaining information a challenge. Others have problems keeping track of belongings or organizing their day. Some students come to school with other types of concerns that impact learning. Sometimes complicated tasks can be easily mastered while simple ones are unmanageable.

Our goal is to understand and support each individual child in the way God created them.

SAS Sensory Area

SAS Staff


Annaliese Wheeler

Director, Student Academic Services